Monday, November 3, 2008

Voting Eve...(kind of like Xmas Eve, only more nervewracking!) I the library of all places (Olivia is at cheerleading and I have 2 hours to kill). And all I can think of is how badly I want it to be tomorrow night so the returns can start pouring in. I have never been so excited to vote, or so nervous about results. I so badly want tomorrow to be a landslide for Obama, just to show those dumbass conservatives! oops..sorry..I guess this is the sort of division that we are trying to avoid.

But I can't help it! Over the past 2 months, I have basically been told that since I'm a liberal, I am unpatriotic, I am lazy and I am anti-feminist. I have to say, I really believe that none of those are true.

Let's start with the anti-patriotic statement. First of all, in my humble opinion, Obama is one of the most patriotic men there are. He is literally risking his life and those of his beautiful family to run for the highest office in the country. He knows that there will be numerous attempts on his life (this is an unfortunate fact that very few want to speak about) and there will probably be attempts on his children and wife. Yet, he pushes forward. THAT is how much he loves his country and wants to see it change and succeed. Yet, he is called unpatriotic. I'm confused.

And I love the lazy one - this stems from his "spreading the wealth comment" that the republicans have run away with. Did you know that if you are a liberal, you sit on your ass waiting for a handout. That must be why I can't ever get together with any of my friends...we are all too busy being lazy. Frankly, most liberals I know are the least lazy people around. On top of jobs and raising open minded children, most everyone I know does some sort of volunteer work, whether it be in the school or other places, there is a lot of giving back to the community going on.

I am so sorry that this blog doesn't make much sense, but I just have a lot of junk in my head. I am really hoping the outcome tomorrow is the one I want to see. I know that I'm planning on getting up at the ass crack of dawn to go to Faith Temple to vote. I can only hope that the majority of Republicans around here are either late sleepers, or figure that SC is in the bag for McCain and don't show up..haha. Won't it be funny if McCain only wins SC by a slim margin...that would be the best gift ever!