Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The humanity of it all...

So, here I am...up at 4 am after getting NO sleep the night before and taking a melatonin last night in order to get a good night's sleep. I think I woke up though because I was sweating like a menopausal woman due to the fact that we shut the AC off but did NOT open the windows. Pretty smart, I thought. Anyway, back to our regulary scheduled programming...

So, here I am doing some surfing, checking out my new favorite blog by this person in Alaska, becoming more and more outraged by the unbelievableness (is that even a word) in this campaign and the pure stupidity of the American people (more on that later), I go to my facebook page, join a new group, change my status, read Beth's blog, read Jen's blog (who will need donations soon to get her kid out of the slammer...haha), go the Obama site and see if there are any events happening around here that I can help with, and then pop onto CNN to see if there is anything interesting there.

I come accross this article regarding an overweight death row inmate. Before I go off on this article, let me clarify that even though I am completely pro-choice, I am definately pro death penalty. I feel that if you have done something to someone else's liberties, you have lost all rights in my eyes. I am a true believer in an eye for an eye, and that I shouldn't be paying for you to have the privilege to breathe. I think this is where the Italian mob side in me comes out. To summarize this article, this particular inmate is apparantly too fat to kill due to the fact that they will have a hard time finding his veins in order to get the IV in. read this correctly. This animal, who raped, beat and killed (along with another person) two college girls, is avoiding the death penalty because they CAN'T REACH HIS VEINS. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???!!! They are concerned with the HUMANITY of it all??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?? I'm sorry...were they thinking of the humanity of those two innocent women as they were beating them? Were they thinking of the humanity of those women before or after they carved "Xs" on their stomachs after they killed them?

Now, in the article he states that he did participate in some crimes leading up to their deaths, but denied beating them. Oh..ok...well, that makes a HUGE fucking difference in my mind.....NOT! They are still dead, you are still alive, and you have been sitting on death row since 1986. For 22 years this fat ass has been sitting there, being fed 3 meals a day, with a roof over his head, access to free medical care, and will continue to stay there because it is too inhumane to access his veins.

I remember when I went into the hospital to have Olivia, I was "lucky" enough to get a brand spanking new nurse to find my veins to put an IV in. Umm...she couldn't do it, but we didnt find this out until she stuck me and dug and dug and dug for it. And I didn't kill anyone to deserve that honor.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

So...Here we are...

It has been 7 years....7 years since NY and the country has been changed forever. I guess I took it very personally, since I just love that city more each time I visit it - I would give a lot to be able to go back there and live. It is the only place I have ever lived where I actually feel like I belong there, so it is very near and dear to me. I remember so much about that day...where I was (thankfully, I didn't have access to live footage, which I'm glad for because I had a chance to digest it just a little before watching TV), and what I was feeling. But the biggest thing I remember is the overwhelming feeling from so many people about how so many things, and issues, and just general CRAP just mattered so little. And then one year went by, and on that year anniversary, I, like so many others, relived that day over and over...and you just thought about it. Then year 2, and it wasn't in our mind as much..but still and important day. Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 came and went...and each year you thought about it less and less. I guess that is what grieving is all about...time eases the pain. Now, year 7..what did I do today? Well, I delivered my child to school and had to hastily haul my ass inside to scribble a note because my in laws were going to pick her up, then I left and tried to figure the best way to get from Pelham Rd to 123 (btw...there is no easy way, really), made it to Easley. Once there, I dealt with figuring out where I'm going to put an auditor from the SCDOR who is going through (ironically enough) 7 years of records - and did I mention that someone decided to get rid of years 2001 - 2004?? That is going to make for a very interesting story. Stressed over having to get some other invoices split correctly (boring accounting stuff), and rushed home to relieve my in laws, make dinner for the kids, yell at my daughter for being on the computer when she should be doing her homework and cleaning her room, and then get my oldest to her piano lesson. The funny part is I was thinking about doing a post about how I multi task so much better than my husband (and I still may do that..just not today) when I came accross an interesting blog. This particular post is written by a man who was in the midst of all of this, and the post is a repeat of what he wrote a couple of days afterwards so that he could capture all of his feelings. I hope you can take the time to read it, because after reading it, it truly gives you a reality check. At least, it humbled me a little, even for a short time. And it just angers me more about all the pettiness going on with the conservatives: "lipstick on a pig", sex education for kindergarteners, experience, no experience....ARRRGGHHH... ENOUGH!!